Park Listing

Select a Park List Name below to view the full park list.

Park List NamePark List Description
1National ParksDesignated by the United States Congress.
Managed by the National Park Service (NPS), an agency within the US Department of Interior.
There are a total of 62 US National Parks. Photos of all 62 are included in Photo Ecosphere.
2National MonumentsDesignated the President of the United States or by the United States Congress.
Most are managed by agencies within the US Department of Interior or by the US Department of Agriculture.
There are a total of 128 US National Monuments. 86 have been photographed for Photo Ecosphere.
3National Preserves & Reserves
4National Lakeshores
5National Seashores
6National Forests
7National Grasslands
8National Wildlife Refuges
9National Recreation Areas
10National Wild & Scenic Rivers
11National Natural Landmarks
12National Memorials
13National Historical Parks
14Native Tribal Parks
& Reservations
15Wilderness Areas
16State Parks
17Other Parks
& Protected Natural Areas